Trustbank Amanah Understanding Islamic Finance: Theory and Practice

Understanding Islamic Finance: Theory and Practice

On November 27 and 28, the “Understanding Islamic Finance: Theory and Practice” training course was held by the Central Bank of...

Internet Banking

Retail Corporate

Mijn Aanvraag

Micro-, persoonlijke financiering en persoonlijke bankrekening (giro-, spaarrekening en termijndeposito)

Mijn Aanvraag
Trustbank Amanah Why Islamic Banking

Why Islamic Banking

Why Islamic Banking? The principles of 'Islamic Banking' are based on the balance between well-being and prosperity. That means: not only a company has to flourish, also you as a person. This banking system is therefore tailor-made for every step. Focus not only on quantity, but also on quality.  'Islamic Banking' based on equality, risk sharing and ethical conduct...

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